Welcome to The Gathering Network!

We are a ministry organization developing missional practitioners & fostering spiritual communities in the city of Lincoln.  These "missional communities," as we call them, meet in homes across our city and practice the way of Jesus wherever we work, live, learn and play.  We are everyday disciples working together to embody God's Kingdom so everyone can join.

The Gathering Network seeks to inspire vision, provide training, offer resources, & foster unity amongst the missional practitioners in our city.

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“The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
- Jesus Christ, circa 26 CE
The Kingdom of God?
This framework is the foundation for The Gathering Network.

The leaders of The Gathering Network are grateful followers of Jesus Christ and want to promote his life and teachings to anyone who will listen - these are the beliefs that shape our ministry.  Their purpose is to guide us as a ministry and not to unnecessarily alienate those who are part of our community.

The foundation of all of Jesus' teachings was on "The Kingdom of God."  While Jesus was not promoting a geo-political nation, he was talking about a society - a counter-cultural society where the last are first and the poor are blessed - where we love our enemies and worry only about today, letting tomorrow take care of itself.

This "society" is possible when we live like God is our king - hence "The Kingdom of God."  Jesus taught that "The Kingdom" required living in a growing relationship with The Divine (Communion), creating a radically inclusive and loving community (Family), and using our gifts & creativity to selflessly help make the world around us thrive (Purpose).  "The Kingdom" is not simply about heaven but, as Jesus said, it is here-&-now, available to us, only through Him.  When those three things overlap in our life, "The Kingdom" is near.

Whether the participants are Christians or not, The Gathering Network seeks to create spaces where people can experience all three of these things and experience the reality that Jesus called good news.